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Eddy trajectory Atlas products: updates and reprocessing

September 2022: temporal extension of META3.2 DT

The product META3.2 DT has been extended until 2022/02/09. All information on the product page.

April 2022: META3.2 DT version

The release of META3.2 DT is available. All information on the product page.

January 2022: META3.2exp NRT version

The release of META3.2exp NRT is available since January 13th. All information on the product page.

June 2021: META 3.1exp DT version

The release of the Mescoscale Eddy Trajectory Atlas META3.1exp DT allsat (DOI : 10.24400/527896/a01-2021.001) and twosat (DOI : 10.24400/527896/a01-2021.002) is available.

Please find all the information in the product page.

February 2021: extension of the DT2.0exp META also renamed DT2.0

Please find an extension of the META2.0exp DT renamed META2.0 DT eddy trajectory product until 2020/03/07.

As usual, all feedbacks are welcome ( to help us understand how this product is used by the community, and to improve the algorithm, production and validation processes.

All the information about this atlas can be found in the product page


September 2020: extension of the DT2.0exp META 

Please find an extension of the META2.0exp DT eddy trajectory product until 2019/10/15.

Please find below the format/information changes compared to former delivery (released in June 2019):

  • Although the eddies and trajectories are the same in the former and current versions, the trajectory indexes have changed. The eddies and trajectories can be found with their time and spatial characteristics which remain unchanged.
  • The extension of longitudes : formerly between 0-360°E, and now some of them are <0°E or >360°E in order to have a continuity for the trajectories which cross the Greenwich Meridian in one direction or another.
  • Changes in the attributes of some variables, with no impact on the variables content.
  • The units of amplitude, speed_radius and speed_average which are now in SI units.
  • The variables integrated in the netcdf are now stored with a scale_factor (transparent for users when data is loaded).

This dataset is experimental, so all feedbacks are welcome ( to help us understand how this product is used by the community, and to improve the algorithm, production and validation processes.

All the information about this atlas can be found in the product page


September 2019: New eddy trajectory atlas version in NRT (NRT3.0exp)

The new version NRT3.0exp is now available to users. 

Please refer to the Product page for complete information. The details about the processing is described in the Product handbook.

Note that the processing and input data are different from the delayed-time Atlas already delivered (version 2.0exp), consequently, there is no continuity between the delayed-time 2.0exp and the near-real-time 3.0exp products.


September 2018: New eddy trajectory atlas in delayed-time version DT2.0exp

The new version DT2.0exp is now available to users. 

Please refer to the Product page for complete information. The details about the processing is described in the Product handbook.

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