- Editorial, PDF, Y. Ménard
- Jason-1: Satellite and system performance, one year after launch, PDF (896 Kb)
J. Perbos
- First results of Jason-1 data product validation, PDF (0.97 Mb)
P. Vincent, S.D. Desai, J. Dorandeu, B. Soussi, M. Ablain, P.S. Callahan
- AVISO and PO-DAAC serving altimetry data users, PDF (399 Kb)
K. Case, N. Picot
- Two altimetric satellites minimum are needed for ocean observation and forecasting, PDF (353 Kb)
V. Rosmorduc, F. Hernandez
- DORIS: New DIODE navigator and beacon network developments, PDF (1.19 Mb)
G. Tavernier, J.-P. Granier, C. Jayles, P. Sengenes, F. Rozo
- Argonautica: "20,000 schools over the sea", PDF (520 Kb)
P. Canceill, D. De Staerke, D. Picamelot
- Using satellite altimetry to identify regions of hurricane intensification, PDF (1.34 Mb)
G. Goni, P. Black, J. Trinanes
- A Web application to distribute and visualize altimeter-related products, PDF (785 Kb)
J. Trinanes, G. Goni