Produits SWOT Level-4 expérimentaux multi-missions
AVISO a le plaisir d'annoncer la publication de cartes expérimentales multi-missions de niveau 4 utilisant les produits SWOT L3.

As previously mentioned, this SWOT product is made by and for the SWOT Science Team and other research groups. Your feedback (good or bad) is most welcome to help guide future releases. Any collaborative algorithms or corrections you might provide could make a difference in the next version.
If you already have an AVISO account, data access is available through the following services:
CNES AVISO FTP/SFTP (with AVISO credentials)+
- FTP access:
- SFTP access: s
- /swot_products/l3_karin_nadir/l3_lr_ssh/v1_0
CNES AVISO THREDDS Data Server, TDS (with AVISO credentials)+
- TDS access: tds.aviso.altime
For more information, see the AVISO SWOT L3_LR_SSH product page here, and the user manual here. For everything else related to SWOT, see AVISOâs one-stop page here. The L3 product is also available on the CNES Cloud (see this link for the free hosting offer). If you need any help getting started, please feel free to contact the AVISO's SWOT-dedicated helpdesk (
What you can expect in the coming weeks:
- L3_LR_SSH resolution of 250 m. This full resolution variant aims to be as convenient as the 2 km L3 product: same structure, same content, same algorithms, but deployed at full LR resolution. We have been working hard to upgrade the 250-m to v1.0 before it is released on AVISO. We plan to have it online before the SWOT Validation meeting next June. If you would like to beta-test it on the CNES cloud, please contact the AVISO helpdesk to set up your early access.
- Multi-mission Level-4 maps. In collaboration with various groups, we are testing several gridding mechanisms to merge SWOT L3 products and other missions into gridded L4 maps: variational, dynamical mapping, AI-based⦠We will package and deliver several preliminary L4 products with SWOT in the coming weeks.