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Operational News

Operational news about Ssalto and Duacs processing system.

04.11.2015 Current outage on Aviso+ Opendap and Gridded extraction Services on 2015/11/04

We will update the status of this reported outage as soon as it will again available, please check the Operational News. 

We are sorry for this inconvenience it may cause. Feel free to report any problem you could encounter.


12.10.2015 [Jason-1]: Reprocessing of Jason-1 data as version "E" is currently in progress

The data are available as version "E" GDR data products at the AVISO and PODAAC ftp sites for 2002-2004 (cycles 1-110). The remaining years are scheduled by the end of October (2005-2008) and by the end of November (2009-2013). See list of main evolutions of the version "E" products compared to the preceding version "C" products.[details]

08.10.2015 Temporary interruption of the Online Data Extraction Service (ODES)

For maintenance reasons, the Online Data Extraction Service (ODES) will be unavailable for a few days. Users will be informed when the service is available again.

Sorry for the inconvenience

24.09.2015 Maintenance operation on the CNES FTP Server on October 8, 2015

For maintenance reason some disruption on Cnes ftp server ( is planned on October 8, 2015 between 7:00 and 8:00 UTC.

We apologize for the inconvenience.[details]

31.08.2015 [SSALTO/Duacs products] Delay of products since 2015/08/29

Due to a system problem on 2015/08/29, the delivery of the SSALTO/Duacs products is degraded. The solution has been found.[details]

28.08.2015 [HY-2A] deactivation of HY-2A along-track production in Duacs

Due to a degradation of input HY-2A data since 2015/08/23 in the SSALTO/DUACS processing chain, it has been decided to deactivate the production of HY-2A data as from 2015/08/28. [details]

17.07.2015 [Saral/AltiKa]: Update on orbit drift

Update - Saral/AltiKa’s ground track has been drifting from the nominal track with deviations than can reach more than 10 km depending on the latitude. [details]

30.06.2015 The AVISO CNES Data Center will not be available from June 30th 2015, 4pm (TU) until July 1st 2015, 7am (TU)

For maintenance reasons, the AVISO CNES Data Center will not be available from June 30th 2015, 4pm (TU) until July 1st 2015, 7am (TU).

Sorry for the inconvenience.[details]

17.06.2015 Nominal conditions after restoration of power

All the altimetry and orbitography production is now resumed.[details]

15.06.2015 Impossibility to deliver in time CNES products for altimetry and orbitography

Due to a major electrical failure at CNES premises during the week-end, we are not is position to deliver in time the products for altimetry and orbitography.[details]

Displaying results 151 to 160 out of 312
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