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OSTST 2007 (Hobart, Tasmania)

Here are some posters made for the Ocean Surface Topography Science Team 2007 meeting.


Local and global calibration/validation

Michaël Ablain et al.Global Statistical Quality Assessment of Jason-1 data pdf (1.1 MB)
Michaël Ablain et al.Jason-1 - Topex/Poseidon consistency pdf (1.2 MB)
Brian Beckley et al.Assessment of Recent Revisions to the Topex/Jason-1 Sea Surface Height Time Seriespdf (1.2 MB)
Pascal Bonnefond et al.Absolute Calibration of Jason-1 and Topex/Poseidon Altimeters in Corsicapdf (34.3 MB)
Dorothée Coppens et al.Improving of High quality data of coastal altimetric measurementspdf (510 KB)
Gérald Dibarboure et al.Preparing for the additional errors on wide-swath altimetry: precise roll error reductionpdf (2.4 MB)
Yannice Faugère et al.Jason-1 / Envisat Cross-calibrationpdf (174 KB)
Gwenaele Jan et al.Suggestion of a common exercise for in situ CalVal and data consistencypdf (610 KB)
Fabien Lefèvre & the CLS CalVal teamMonitoring of altimeter measurements against a global tide gauge networkpdf (1.9 MB)
Juan Jose Martinez-Benjamin & the Ibiza2003 TeamSea Surface Determination Experiences in the Ibiza Islandpdf (655 KB)
Juan Jose Martinez Benjamin and the Ibiza2003 TeamContribution of tide gauges to altimeter calibration in the Spanish sitespdf (250 KB)
Stavros Melachroinos et al.Absolute calibration of the Jason-1 altimeter by ship-buoy GPS cruise along the Drake passagepdf (1.8 MB)
Franck Mercier, E. ObligisFeasibility of an accurate wet tropospheric correction for the Cryosat missionpdf (460 KB)
Estelle Obligis et al.The Envisat/MicroWave Radiometer five years after launch: Drift correction, new in-flight calibration and consistent retrieval algorithmpdf (90 KB)
Erricos C. Pavlis et al.Jason-1 Absolute Calibration Results from the Eastern Mediterranean Gavdos Projectpdf (1.4 MB)
Laurent Roblou et al.X-track, a new processing tool for altimetry in coastal oceans.pdf (530 KB)

Sea-state bias and re-tracking analysis

Yannice Faugere et al.Analysis Of The High Frequency Content Of Jason-1, Topex And Envisat Data pdf (2.4 MB)
Arnaud Quesney et al.A new altimeter waveform retracking algorithm based on neural networkspdf (415 KB)
Arnaud Quesney et al.Unsupervised classification of altimetric waveform over all surface typepdf (1.2 MB)
Pierre Thibaut et al.Simulator of Interferometric Radar Altimeters: concept and first resultspdf (120 KB)
Pierre Thibaut et al.Sigma-0 blooms in the Envisat Radar Altimeter datapdf (450 KB)

Precise orbit determination and geoid

Albert Auriol et al.The DORIS "DGXX" instrumentpdf (235 KB)
Albert Auriol, C. JaylesTowards centimetre orbits in real time with Doris/Diodepdf (225 KB)
Richard Biancale et al.A 4-year series of Earth mass changes derived from Grace and Lageos datapdf (4.2 MB)
Pascal Bonnefond et al.Validation Activities for Jason-1 and Topex/Poseidon Precise Orbitspdf (9.75 MB)
Don Chambers et al.Evaluation of Orbits for the WaTER Hydrosphere Mapper Missionpdf (9.75 MB)
Christoph Foerste et al.Toward Eigen-05: global mean gravity field models from combination of satellite mission and altimetry/gravimetry surface datapdf (1.36 MB)
Per Knudsen, Ole AndersenNew Mean Sea Surface DNSC07pdf (1.36 MB)
Frank Lemoine et al.Evaluation of the Geosat and Geosat Follow-On Precise Orbit Ephemerispdf (2.6 MB)
Frank Lemoine et al.Improvement of the Complete Topex/Poseidon and Jason-1 Orbit Time Series: Current Statuspdf (1.5 MB)
Flavien Mercier et al.Jason 1 GPS processing at Cnespdf (1.5 MB)

Tides and high-frequency aliases

Xiaochun Wang et al.The influence of stratification on semidiurnal tides in Monterey Bay, Californiapdf (1.1 MB)
Shastri Paturi et al.A Tidal Model in the Northwest Atlanticpdf (265 KB)
Richard RayAn M3 Tidal Resonance in the Great Australian Bightpdf (1.1 MB)

Multi-satellite/operational applications

Charon Birkett et alNear Real Time Monitoring of Global Lakes and Reservoirspdf (860 KB)
Gérald Dibarboure et al.Ssalto/Duacs: Daily multi-mission products for global and regional applicationspdf (1.3 MB)
Philippe Escudier et al.Future altimeter systems : is the mesoscale observability good enough for operational oceanography?pdf (2.5 MB)
Jerome Helbert et al.Generation of DEMs for the new tracking mode onboard Poseidon-3 and AltiKapdf (490 KB)
Alexey Kaplan et al.Power spectral parameterizations of error as function of resolution in gridded altimetry mapspdf (6.34 MB)
Julien Lamouroux et al.Control of a free-surface barotropic model of the Bay of Biscay by assimilation of multi-source sea-level data (altimetry and tide-gauges) in presence of atmospheric forcing errorspdf (2.2 MB)
Julien Lamouroux et al.Design of the future altimetry missions: a first prototype of an "end-to-end" mission simulatorpdf (3.6 MB)
Olivier Lauret and Seadatanet partnersSeadatanet, a pan-european infrastructure for ocean & marine data managementpdf (55 KB)
Peter Oke, Pavel SakovA method for estimating representation error of oceanic observationspdf (8.2 MB)
Ananda Pascual et al.Quality of real time altimeter maps: impact of data delaypdf (956 KB)
Nathalie Steunou et al.AltiKa : a new concept of altimeter for the Saral missionpdf (1.1 MB)
Clément Ubelmann et al.Impact of multisatellite altimetric missions on the Tropical Atlantic circulation from some Observing Systems Simulations Experimentspdf (1.7 MB)
Douglas Vandemark et al.Investigating ocean altimeter data and applications in the Gulf of Mainepdf (1 MB)
Stefano Vignudelli et al.Alticore - a consortium serving European Seas with Coastal Altimetrypdf (1.2 MB)



Outreach products showcase

pdf (900 KB)

Science results

Sabine Arnault and the Aramis groupFirst results from the Aramis programpdf (3.9 MB)
Bernard Barnier et al.Comparing sea-surface topography modes of variability from altimetry and global modelspdf (10.8 MB)
Jérôme Benveniste et al.Global scale Land Hydrology Monitoring Using Satellite Altimetrypdf (715 KB)
Rory Bingham et al.Calculating the Ocean's Mean Dynamic Topography from a Mean Sea Surface and a Geoidpdf (1.8 MB)
Charon BirkettExploration of multi-satellite altimetric data over North American lakespart A (pdf, 1 MB), part B (pdf, 915 KB)
Florence Birol et al.Observation of coastal ocean dynamics in the Northern Indian Ocean using improved altimetric datapdf (4 MB)
Christelle Bosc and Thierry DelcroixEquatorial Waves and Warm Water Volume Changes in the Equatorial Pacificpdf (1.4 MB)
Antonio Busalacchi et al.El Niño/La Niña Preconditioning During the 2000’spdf (1.35  MB)
Frédéric Castruccio et al.A consistent assimilation of altimetric and temperature data in a model of the tropical Pacific oceanpdf (1.1 MB)
Roger Ian Crocker and William J. EmeryComputing Coastal Ocean Surface Currents from Ocean Color Satellite Imagerypdf (1.3 MB)
Catia M. Domingues et al.Thermosteric Sea Level and Ocean Heat Content Changes and the Contribution to the Earth's Energy Balancepdf (6.4 MB)
Joel Dorandeu et al.New on line Mean Sea Level database and related productspdf (1.1 MB)
Lee-Lueng FuSpatial propagation of eddy variability in the world’s oceanspdf (2 MB)
David M. Glover et al.Air-Sea Gas Fluxes using Altimeter-Derived Transfer Velocities in an Ocean General Circulation Modelpdf (1.9 MB)
Gustavo Jorge Goni et al.Evaluation of the ocean observing system for upper ocean heat content and surface dynamics using in situ and altimetry observationspdf (2.9 MB)
Stephanie Guinehut, Gilles LarnicolGlobal and Regional ocean thermosteric sea level change from in-situ data: Influence of sampling, complementarities with satellite altimetry, role of salinitypdf (165 KB)
Kaoru Ichikawa et al.Coastal surface currents northeast of Taiwan detected by along-track altimetry datapdf (3.1 MB)
Alexey Kaplan et al.Global pattern of mesoscale variability in sea surface height and its dynamical causespdf (9.7 MB)
Kathryn Kelly et al.Heat and Mass Transport Anomalies in the Gulf Stream Regionpdf (955 KB)
Seungbum Kim, Ichiro FukumoriA near-uniform basin-wide sea level variation of the Japan/East Seapdf (280 KB)
Gary Lagerloef et al.Surface currents and evolution of the 2006-2007 El Niñopdf (410 KB)
Sergey A. LebedevCreation GCRAS06 Mean Sea Surface Model and Investigation of Hydrodynamic Regime of the Caspian Sea based on Topex/Poseidon and Jason-1 Satellite Altimetry Data.pdf (1.5 MB)
Albanne Lecointre et al.Characteristics of planetary waves in the North Atlantic from altimetry and the Clipper 1/6° modelpdf (2.3 MB)
Hyongki Lee et al.Hydrologic Study of Vegetated Wetland Using Retracked Satellite Altimetrypdf (165 KB)
Benoit Legresy et al.Along track repeat altimetry for land studies : application to ice sheets.pdf (4 MB)
Eric LeulietteUncertainties in thermosteric sea level estimatespdf (4.5 MB)
Angela Maharaj et al.An evaluation of the classical and extended Rossby wave theories in explaining spectral estimates of the first few baroclinic modes in the South Pacific Oceanpdf (4.7 MB)
Ricardo P. Matano et al.The Upwelling of Downwelling Currentspdf (770 KB)
Nikolai Maximenko, Peter NiilerJets standing in meridional flow as revealed by joint analysis of satellite and in situ datapdf (5.5 MB)
Franck Mercier, Ouan-Zan ZaniféImprovement of the Topex/Poseidon altimetric data processing for hydrological purposes and investigations on the performances of Jason over continental waters (Cash Project)pdf (845 KB)
Mark Merrifield et al.Global Sea Level Estimates from the GCOS Tide Gauge Networkpdf (4.5 MB)
M.P. Milagro-Pérez et al.The Envisat RA-2 1800 Hz individual echoesjpg (715 KB)
Laury Miller et al.Extending the Topex/Jason global mean sea level time series with Geosat observationspdf (435 KB)
Laury Miller, Bruce C. DouglasGyre-scale atmospheric pressure variations and their relation to 19th and 20th century sea level risepdf (640 KB)
Rosemary Morrow et al.Observed subsurface signature of Southern Ocean sea level risepdf (1.8 MB)
Thierry Penduff et al.Assessment of Drakkar global simulations against altimetry and hydrography.pdf (5 MB)
Claire Périgaud et al.The need of TPJ accuracy to make further progress in Ensopdf (175 KB)
Graham Quartly, Trevor GuymerHurricane Juan: A triple view from Envisatpdf (2.3 MB)
Marie-Hélène Radenac, Monique MessiéChlorophyll and westerly wind events in the western tropical Pacific: a multi-sensor approachpdf (1.8 MB)
Peter Rhines et al.Altimetry and Seagliders: an observing system for high latitude ocean climatepdf (2.9 MB)
Irina V. Sakova et al.Low-frequency variability in the Indian Ocean and its connection with Indian Ocean Dipole mode in 2006pdf (13.8 MB)
Serguei Sokolov and Steve RintoulMultiple jets of the Antarctic Circumpolar Currentpdf (4.1 MB)
P. Ted Strub et al.A Satellite and Model Study of the Circulation in the SE Pacificpdf (8.8 MB)
Remi TailleuxThe effects of dispersion on the propagation and amplitude variations of baroclinic Rossby wavespdf (240 KB)
Wenqing Tang, W.Timothy LiuOcean Cooling by Tropical Cyclonespdf (535 KB)
Sergey V. Vinogradov et al.Seasonal Sea Level Variability Estimated From a Data-Constrained General Circulation Modelpdf (315 KB)
Josh Willis, Don ChambersClosing the seasonal to interannual sea level budget on regional scales in the tropical N. Pacificpdf (875 KB)
Philip L. Woodworth et al.Global Coastal Sea Level Change on Decadal and Century Timescalespdf (875 KB)
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