Absolute calibration
The principal objective is to use observations from tide gauges and other sensors directly on (or near) satellite ground tracks to calibrate the sea-surface height and ancillary measurements made by the satellite as it passes (nearly) overhead.
In situ dedicated sites and campaigns
Several dedicated sites are disseminated around the world. Moreover, some oceanographic campaigns have an altimetry validation goals.

The latest results from the in situ sites shown at the OSTST 2011 in San Diego are synthesized in the following figure:
Dedicated sites:
- Bass Strait (Australia): see IMOS web page and C. Watson et al., oral presentation in pdf, OSTST 2011
- Corsica (France): see web page , P. Bonnefond et al., oral presentation in pdf, and M. Cancet et al., poster in <link fileadmin documents ostst poster download>pdf, OSTST 2011
- Gavdos (Greece): see S.P. Mertikas et al., presentation in pdf, OSTST 2011
- Harvest (USA): see B. Haines et al., oral presentation in pdf, OSTST 2011
- Ibiza and L'Estartit (Spain): see J.J Benjamin-Martinez et al., poster in <link fileadmin documents ostst poster benjamin_martinez.pdf download>pdf, OSTST 2011
Dedicated campaigns:
- Aramis
- Drake, see S. Melachroinos et al., poster in <link fileadmin documents ostst poster melachroinos.pdf download>pdf, OSTST 2009.
Further information:
- OSTST 2011 meeting: <link internal-link>oral presentations in Local calibration/validation session, <link internal-link>posters in Global and in-situ calibration and validation.