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OSTST 2004 (St. Petersburg, USA)

Here are some posters made for the Ocean Surface Topography Science Team 2004 meeting.


Local and Global Calibration/Validation

B. Beckley et al. Towards a Seamless Transition from Topex/Poseidon to Jason-1 pdf (5.5 Mb)
W. Bosch et al. Multi-Mission Crossover Analysis pdf (2.6 Mb)
P. Bonnefond et al. Absolute Calibration of Jason-1 and Topex/Poseidon Altimeters in Corsica pdf (8.3 Mb)
J. Dorandeu et al. Ssalto/Calval Performance assessment - Jason-1 / Topex/Poseidon cross-calibration A (pdf, 1.7 Mb), B (pdf, 2.8 Mb)
L. Eymard et al. Long term stability of ERS-2 and Topex microwave radiometer in-flight calibration pdf (1.4 Mb)
G. Hulley and E. Pavlis Global Calibration of the Jason-1 Microwave Radiometer (JMR) with AIRS Data pdf (40 Mb)
F. Lefèvre et al. Long term monitoring of the Envisat RA-2 drift with the GLOSS/CLIVAR "fast" sea level data tide gauge network pdf (1.7 Mb)
J. Lillibridge et al. A New Backscatter Histogram Method to Define An Ice/Rain Flag For Dual-Frequency Altimeters pdf (1.7 Mb)
E. Obligis et al. The Jason Microwave Radiometer Side Lobe Correction pdf (1.6 Mb)
E. Pavlis et al. Jason-1 Altimeter Calibration Results from the GAVDOS JASON-1 Altimeter Calibration Results from the Gavdos Project pdf (24 Mb)
G. Quartly et al. Dual-Frequency Altimetry: What have we learnt from Envisat RA-2's S-band? pdf (7.8 Mb)
Y. Quilfen et al. Calibration/validation of an altimeter wave period model and application to Topex/Poseidon and Jason-1 altimeters pdf (140 Kb)
N. Tran et al. Absolute calibration of Jason-1 and Envisat Ku-band Sigma0 pdf (200 Kb)
N. Tran et al. Comparison of the two Jason-1 rain flags pdf (500 Kb)
N. Tran et al. Instrumental monitoring of Jason-1 microwave radiometer pdf (360 Kb)
C. Watson et al. Topex/Poseidon and Jason-1 Altimeters: Absolute Calibration in Bass Strait, Australia pdf (8.3 Mb)

Sea-State Bias and Re-tracking Analysis

S. Labroue et al. Results on Topex and Jason-1 sea state bias with the non parametric technique pdf (1.2 Mb)
R. Scharroo et al. Hybrid Sea-State Bias Models and Their Impact on Sea-Level Change Studies pdf (1.2 Mb)

Precise Orbit Determination and Geoid

W. Bosch et al. Coastal Sea Surface Topography from Altimetry, Gravity, and Tide Gauge Data (COSSTAGT) pdf (1.8 Mb)
F. Castruccio et al. Geoid and altimeter data assimilation: oceanographic assessment of Champ and Grace products in the tropical Pacific ocean pdf (5.7 Mb)
F. Lemoine et al. Evaluation of the Geosat Follow-On Precise Orbit Ephemeris pdf (214 Kb)
S. Luthcke et al. Improvement of the Topex and Jason Orbit Time Series: Precision Orbit Determination, Calibration, Validation and ImprovementThrough the Combined Reduction and Analysis of GPS, SLR, Doris and Altimeter Data pdf (11 Mb)
P. Willis Preliminary results on the sensitivity to radiations of the back-up Doris/Jason oscillator pdf (1.1 Mb)
P. Willis et al. Assessment of the ITRF2000 accuracy for the Doris tracking network and implication for the Jason Precise Orbit Determination pdf (503 Kb)

Tides and High-Frequency Aliases

C.K. Shum et al. Coastal ocean tide modeling pdf (350 Kb)

Multi-Satellite/Operational Applications

F. Blanc et al. Mersea Remote Sensing Ocean Portal pdf (1.1 Mb)
C. Birkett et al. Near-real Time Monitoring of Global Lakes and Reservoirs pdf (650 Kb)
C. Birkett et al. River Dynamics, Lake-level Variability, and Near-Real Time Reservoir Monitoring pdf (300 Kb)
D. Chen et al. Application of Altimeter Observations to Tropical Climate Modeling and Prediction pdf (825 Kb)
CTOH team Altimetry at the Centre de Topographie des Océans et de l’Hydrosphère pdf (611 Kb)
G. Dibarboure et al. SSALTO/DUACS Global and regional operational altimeter products pdf (1 Mb)
J. Høyer et al. Application of operational satellite altimetry observations for shelf and coastal seas pdf (300 Kb)
A. Kaplan et al. Small-scale and short-term variability in sea surface height and effective data error pdf (3.3 Mb)
JM. Lefèvre et al. Operational assimilation of altimeter wind/wave data pdf (1.5 Mb)
A. Pascual et al. Mesoscale Mapping Capabilities of Multisatellite Altimeter Missions: First Results with Real Data in the Mediterranean Sea pdf (1.7 Mb)
M. Srinivasan et al. The "Yellow Pages" directory of satellite altimetry applications; An update pdf (304 Kb)


E. Leuliette et al. The University of Colorado Long-Term Sea Level Change Web Site pdf (1.45 Mb)
V. Rosmorduc et al. Aviso Products: take your pick! pdf (4.9 Mb)
V. Rosmorduc et al. Aviso, at the crossroad between user information, outreach and education pdf (4.8 Mb)
C. Watson et al. Flower pots keep satellites in check pdf (1.1 Mb)

Science Plans and Results

A. Busalacchi et al Application of Altimetry Measurements to Observational and Modeling Studies of the Low-Frequency Upper Ocean Mass and Heat Circulation to Studies of Tropical Ocean Variability pdf (1.25 Mb)
J. Carton et al Sea level rise in recent decades and the warming of the oceans pdf (880 Kb)
J. Church et al Estimates of the Regional Distribution of Sea-Level Rise over the 1950 to 2000 Period pdf (2.1 Mb)
P. De Mey et al Data Assimilation in Regional and Shelf Seas (DARSS) pdf (1.8 Mb)
L. Fenoglio-Marc et al Land Hydrology from Satellite Altimetry: Lakes, Rivers and Wetlands pdf (340 Kb)
D. García et al Determination of annual mass variations in the Mediterranean Sea through altimetry missions and GRACE pdf (2.5 Mb)
MC. Gennero et al Land Hydrology from Satellite Altimetry: Lakes, Rivers and Wetlands pdf (208 Kb)
R. Glazman Statistical analysis of ocean dynamics using ocean model output and satellite altimeter data pdf (256 Kb)
E. Hackert et al Comparison of the 1997-97 and 2001-02 El Niños - Model and Data Assimilation Results pdf (1.8 Mb)
E. Hackert et al An Observing System Simulation Study for an Optimal Moored Instrument Array in the Tropical Indian Ocean pdf (1.1 Mb)
T. Jakub et al Reconstruction of Global Mean Sea Level Variations Using Altimeter and Tide Gauge Data: A Sensitivity Analysis pdf (950 Kb)
K. Kelly et al Altimetric Derived Estimates of the North Atlantic Upper Ocean Heat Budget: Consequences for Climate Prediction and Ocean Modeling pdf (550 Kb)
T. Lee and I. Fukumori Decadal variations of wind and currents of the Indian Ocean inferred from satellite observations and ECCO assimilation pdf (1.3 Mb)
A. Lombard et al. Thermal expansion of the past 50 Years: inference on ocean mass change and sea level rise pdf (250 Kb)
L. Miller et al. Global Sea Level Rise: 100 Years of In-situ Observations versus A Decade of Multi-Satellite Altimeter Observations pdf (5 Mb)
R. Morrow et al. Divergent pathways of anticyclonic and cyclonic eddies pdf (1.6 Mb)
R. Ponte et al. Sea level variability from surface loading effects neglected involume-conserving models pdf (630 Kb)
G. Quartly et al. Combining Altimetry and Radiometry for Atmospheric Studies pdf (3.4 Mb)
B. Qiu and S. Chen Estimating Eddy-Induced Heat Transport by Combining Satellite Altimetry, Argo, and TMI Measurements pdf (2 Mb)
MH. Radenac et al. MUSICAL (MUlti-Sensors Information: ocean Color and ALtimetry) pdf (4.3 Mb)
C. Robert et al. Comparison of sequential and variational reduced-order data assimilation methods in the tropical Pacific ocean pdf (1.45 Mb)
D. Roemmich and J. Gilson Argo and Jason in the South Pacific: Interannual-to-decadal variability in water mass properties and circulation pdf (4 Mb)
P. Rogel et al. Improving seasonal climate prediction using ocean information through variational data assimilation pdf (3.4 Mb)
R. Tailleux and D. Chelton Theory of free and forced planetary waves in a realistic ocean: Towards a physically-based quantitative interpretation of satellite altimeter and SST data pdf (371 Kb)
J. Willis et al. Estimates of the global oceanic heat budget from assimilation models on interannual to decadal time scales pdf (780 Kb)
B. Wouters et al. Identification of sea level changes using Grace, Topex and Jason-1 data pdf (1.7 Mb)
E. Zaron et al. Tidal Energy Available for Mixing at the Hawaiian Ridge pdf (1.1 Mb)
R. Zhang et al. A Parameterization-oriented Approach to Inferring Subsurface Entrainment Temperature from Altimeter Data: The Impact on Interannual Variability in a Coupled Model pdf (410 Kb)
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