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SWT 1999 (Saint-Raphaël, France)

Here are some posters made for Topex/Poséidon Science Working Team 1999 meeting.


C. Tierney et al. The M4 tide from a numerical model constrained by tidal estimates from Topex/Poséidon on the European Shelf pdf (2.76Mb)

High Frequency Aliasing

N. Hirose et al. Refering Models to Remove High Frequency Aliasing in Altimetry jpg (2.74Mb)
S. Gille Mean Flow and Variability in the Southern Ocean from Altimetry pdf (6.83Mb)
C. Tierney et al. Short-Period Oceanic Circulation: Implications for Satellite Altimetry pdf (1.61Mb)


J. Ries et al. The ITRF97 Reference Frame and its Effect on Sea Level Change Studies pdf (376Kb)
L. Morel et al. Systematics Effects of Terrestrial Reference Frames on Mean Sea Level Determinations pdf (134Kb)
B. Tapley et al. The TEG-4 Gravity Field Model pdf (1Mb)
G. Tavernier et al. The Doris pilot experiment page 1 (550Kb) page 2 (140Kb) (pdf)
Y. Fukuda et al. Estimation of the Gravity Changes Induced by the Ocean Mass Variations part 1 (pdf - 349Kb)
part 2 (jpg - 2.21Mb)
P. LeGrand et al. An inverse modeling estimate of the geoid height in the Atlantic pdf (3.24Mb)


P. Exertier et al. Comprendre la Méditerranée... C'est pas la mer à boire !!!*
*Understand the Med sea... It's not rocket science !!!
pdf (6.31Mb)
S. Digby et al. Oceans education goes interactive via CD-ROM page 1 (398Kb)
page 2 (483Kb) (gif)
S. Digby et al. Altimeter data for operational use in the marine environment page 1 (262Kb)
page 2 (164Kb) (gif)
B. Stewart et al. Oceanworld: A Web Site Highlighting the Oceans pdf (3.48Mb)

Calval/1 mm

G. Quartly Self-calibration of Sigma0 for Dual-Frequency Altimeters pdf (936Kb)
B. Haines et al. Calibrating spaceborne radiometers with GPS pdf (3Mb)
E. Obligis et al. New retrieval algorithms for Topex/Poseidon comparison with standard algorithms and validation pdf (27Kb)
P. Bonnefond et al. Absolute Calibration of Topex/Poseidon & Jason-1 Altimeters in Corsica: Y2K certified pdf (3.53Mb)
P. Bonnefond et al. Leveling the Sea Surface using a GPS Catamaran pdf (3.88Mb)
J. Dorandeu et al. Topex/Poseidon performance monitoring. Evaluation of new algorithms

pdf (104Kb)

G. Musiela Comparing In Situ Measurements with Topex/Poseidon Altimetric Data html
B. Haines et al. The Harvest Experiment: Towards Joint Calibration of Topex/Poseidon and Jason-1 pdf (700Kb)

Mean Sea Level

D. Chambers et al. Global Mean Sea Level Change and the Earth's Water Mass Budget pdf (656Kb)


G. Quartly et al. A Comparison of Waveform Data from Different Altimeters pdf (1.63Mb)
G. Quartly et al. Validating Topex's Rain Measurements pdf (938Kb)
N. Frew et al. Improved Estimates of Gas Transfer Rates from Dual-Frequency Altimeter Backscatter pdf (531Kb)
C. Koblinsky et al. Nasa Ocean Altimeter Pathfinder Project - The First Four Years pdf (5.73Mb)

Multi-Satellite Sampling

K. Ichikawa et al. Area dependency of estimation errors in geostrophic velocity pdf (1.6Mb)
R. K. Raney et al. Wittex: A Novel Three-Satellite Radar Altimeter Concept gif (1.51Mb)
P.Y. Le Traon et al. How many altimeters are needed to map the ocean mesoscale circulation ? pdf (0.97Mb)

Sea-State Bias

L. Amarouche et al. Simulation of the Sea State Bias: An Original Approach Using Sea Surface Modeling and Altimeter Waveform Computation pdf (486Kb)

Low-Frequency Variability

W. White Coupled Rossby Waves on Annual to Interannual Timescales pdf (3.53Mb)
C. Maes et al. On the impact of Topex/Poseidon data in the analyses of the tropical Pacific Ocean pdf (520Kb)
K. Casey et al. North Pacific Variability and Climate Patterns During the 1997-98 ENSO Event pdf (495Kb)
D. Roemmich et al. Eddy Transport of Heat and Thermocline Waters in the North Pacific:
A Key to Interannual/Decadal Climate Variability?
L.-L. Fu et al. 25-Day Period Large-Scale Oscillations in the Argentine Basin Observed from Topex/Poseidon Altimetry pdf (787Kb)
S. Esselborn et al. Interannual Changes in North Atlantic Sea Level and Surface Circulation as Measured by Satellite Altimetry pdf (477Kb)
I. Fukumori et al. Seasonal-To-Interannual Ocean Variabilities: Combining Altimetry and Models pdf (627Kb)

Mesoscale and Coastal Variability

C. Hughes et al. Eddy-mean flow interaction in the Southern Ocean pdf (1.06Mb)
D. Griffin et al. Meso-Scale Variability of the Leeuwin Current from ERS and T/P html (CSIRO web site)
T. Strub et al. Altimetric studies of oceanic boundary currents in the eastern Pacific and Atlantic Oceans pdf (4,4Mb)
J. Wilkin et al. Merging Infrared Sea Surface Temperature with Satellite Altimetry to map Ocean Currents in two Coastal Domains pdf (746Kb)
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