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SWT 2000 (San Francisco, USA)

Here are some posters made for Topex/Poseidon Science Working Team 2000 meeting.

Ocean Currents and Eddies

M. Kubota et al. Movement and Accumulation of Floating Marine Debris Simulated by Surface Currents Derived From Satellite Data pdf (192Kb)
T. Lee et al. Interannual Variation of the Indonesian Throughflow Transport Estimated by Wind Stress and Adjoint Sensitivity pdf (1.8Mb)
R. Matano et al. Large-Scale Forcing of the Agulhas Variability: The Seasonal Cycle pdf (7.8Mb)
D. Witter, A. Gordon Interannual Variations of South Atlantic Basin-Scale Circulation, Agulhas Eddy Propagation and the Regional Wind Field pdf (10.7Mb)
P. Challenor et al. Monitoring the Eastern Alboran using a Combination of Altimetry, In Situ and Ship Data pdf (935Kb)
M. Losch, J. Schröter Analysis of Hydrographic Sections with Satellite Altimetry pdf (945Kb)

 Wave Dynamics

G. Quartly et al. Rossby Waves: A Movement With Three Signatures pdf (751Kb)
R. Abarca del Rio et al. Seasonal and Interannual Rossby Waves in the Southeast Pacific ocean: Model-data Intercomparison pdf (2.1Mb)

Ocean Temperature and Heat

S. Esselborn et al. Heat Storage in the North Atlantic Ocean between 1992 and 1998 as Estimated From Satellite Altimetry pdf (274Kb)
R. Leben et al. Altimetric Ocean Heat Content Monitoring for Study of Land-Falling U.S. West Coast Winter Storms pdf (762Kb)

Data Assimilation, Integration, and Analysis

P. Bahurel, E. Dombrowsky Mercator, from Routine Assimilation of NRT Altimetry to Added-Value Ocean Products pdf (545Kb)
P. Brasseur et al. Advanced Altimeter Data Assimilation for the Development of Operational Oceanography pdf (4.5Mb)
R. Ponte et al. Improving Ocean Angular Momentum Estimates Using a Model Constrained by Data pdf (129Kb)
I. Fukumori et al. A Dual Assimilation System for Satellite Altimetry pdf (354Kb)
C. Koblinsky et al. Analysis of Nasa Ocean Altimeter Pathfinder Data Reprocessing for Ocean Circulation and Climate Research pdf (400Kb)

Seasonal-to-Interannual Variability

B. Subrahmanyam, J. O'Brien Process Studies In The Indian Ocean From Altimetry pdf (900Kb)
C. Wilson, D. Adamec Correlations between Surface Chlorophyll and Sea-surface Height in the Tropical Pacific during and following the 1997/1998 El Niño pdf (4.4Mb)
D. Chambers Separating Sea Level Variations from Interannual Climate Signals pdf (1Mb)
D. Chambers et al. Reconstruction of Sea Level Change from Tide Gauges and Topex/Poséidon EOF Modes pdf (565Kb)

Tides and High-Frequency Variabilities

F. Lefèvre et al. FES98 and FES99: Two New Versions of the FES' Global Tide Finite Element Solutions pdf (6.2Mb)
S. Gille Evaluating Altimeter Aliasing from Bottom Pressure Data pdf (1.7Mb)
N. Hirose et al. A non-isostatic Global Sea Level Response to Barometric Pressure Near 5 days pdf (741Kb)

Sea Surface Processes

F. Millet et al. SSB Estimation Using In Situ and Satellite Data pdf (700Kb)

POD and Geoid

J. Ries et al. Jason-1 and Topex/Poséidon Precision Orbit Determination: Status and Plans pdf (340Kb)
N. Pavlis et al. Geopotential Model Improvement Using POCM_4B Dynamic Ocean Topography Information: PGM2000A pdf (6.4Mb)

Calibration and Validation

P . Exertier et al. Latest News from the Absolute Calibration Site in Corsica pdf (3.4Mb)
P . Exertier et al. Radar Altimeter Calibration using a GPS-buoy in Corsica pdf (1Mb)
P . Exertier et al. Leveling the Sea Surface using a GPS Catamaran pdf (3.3Mb)
M. Martinez-Garcia et al. Analysis and Strategies Applied to the GPS Buoys Data for the Topex Alt-B Absolute Calibration in the NW-Mediterranean pdf (2.03Mb)
J. Martinez-Benjamin et al. Topex/Poséidon and Jason-1 Calibration Campaigns in the Cape of Begur and Ibiza Islands Regions pdf (1.4Mb)
J.-M. Lefèvre et al. A Coordinated Programme for Calibration, Validation and Assimilation of Altimeter Wind and Wave Data in Wave Prediction Models pdf (3.2Mb)


F. Blanc, Y. Ménard Observing the Oceans from Space, Continuous Satellite Altimetry Since 1992 A Major Contribution to Outreach: Use of Satellite Altimetry pdf (1.1Mb)
T. Nolan et al. Sharing the Topex/Poséidon and Jason Adventure jpg (265Kb)
V. Rosmorduc et al. AVISO and JPL, Altimetry Surfing on the Web pdf (380Kb)
B. Stewart Bringing the Ocean to the Classroom pdf (115Kb)
P . Exertier et al. The Geonauts Inquire into the Oceans pdf (4Mb)
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