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OSTST 2006 (Venice, Italy)

Here are some posters made for the Ocean Surface Topography Science Team 2006 meeting.


The Minutes of OST/ST 2006 are available (pdf, 10.6 MB)


Local and Global Calibration/Validation

M. Ablain et al. Ssalto CalVal Performance Assessment Jason-1 GDR "a"/GDR "b" pdf (2.8 MB)
P. Bonnefond et al. Absolute Calibration of Jason-1 and TOPEX/Poseidon Altimeters in Corsica pdf (17 MB)
S. Brown et al. Status of the JMR/TMR Recalibration Effort: Algorithm Improvements and the Optimal Calibration System pdf (1.1 MB)
S. Desai et al. Validation of Jason and Topex Microwave Radiometer Wet Path Delay Measurements using GPS, SSM/I, and TMI pdf (1.2 MB)
Y. Faugère et al. Jason-1 / Envisat Cross-calibration pdf (1.45 MB)
J. Lillibridge et al. An Automated Near Real-Time Quality Assessment System for Jason-2/OSTM pdf (1.4 MB)
P. Limpach et al. Offshore GPS buoy measurements and comparison with JASON-1 radar altimeter data pdf (4.5 MB)
M. Martinez-Garcia et al. Contribution to the Jason-1 altimeter calibration of mapping the marine geoid at Begur Cape with the support of the continuous GPS monitored tide gauge at l’Estartit pdf (1.4 MB)
E. Obligis et al. Geographical analysis of systematic errors in the wet tropospheric correction pdf (61 MB)
E. C. Pavlis and The Gavdos Team Eastern Mediterranean Dynamics and Jason-1 Altimeter Calibration Results from the Gavdos Project pdf (140 KB)
Pierre Queffeulou Altimeter wave height validation: an update pdf (122 KB)
N. Tran and E. Obligis Assessment of recalibrated Jason-1 microwave radiometer measurements and products pdf (5.1 MB)

Sea-State Bias and Re-tracking Analysis

H. Feng et al. Use of fuzzy logic clustering analysis to address wave impacts on altimeter sea level measurements: Part I data classification pdf (384 KB)
P. Thibaut et al. Evaluation of the Jason-1 ground retracking algorithm pdf (5 MB)
N. Tran et al. New models for satellite altimeter sea state bias correction developed using global wave model data pdf (1.1 MB)
D. Vandemark et al. Use of fuzzy logic clustering analysis to address wave impacts on altimeter sea level measurements: Part II results status pdf (317 KB)
O.-Z. Zanifé et al. Assesment of the Jason-1 Look Up Tables Using Multiple Gaussian Retracking pdf (750 KB)

Precise Orbit Determination and Geoid

Z. Altamini ITRF 2005 status pdf (4.3 MB)
P. Bonnefond et al. Validation Activities for Jason-1 and Topex/Poseidon Precise Orbits pdf (4.4 MB)
Scott Luthcke et al. Improvement of the Complete TP and Jason Orbit Time Series: Current Status pdf (4.8 MB)
J. Ries and D. Chambers Grace mission status and latest results pdf (1.6 MB)
P. Schaeffer et al. Using altimetry and oceanographic in situ measurements for geoid’s models assessment pdf (31 MB)

Tides and High-Frequency Aliases

R. Savcenko and W. Bosch Shallow-water tides on the Patagonian shelf from multi-mission altimetry pdf (2.2 MB)
E. Zaron et al. Modeling studies of internal tide generation at the Hawaiian Ridge: Comparison to inferences from altimetry pdf (1.65 MB)

Multi-Satellite/Operational Applications

W. Bosch Global multi-mission crossover analysis pdf (4 MB)
G. Dibarboure and N. Picot Sslato/Duacs: A consistent data set built upon all altimeters pdf (6 MB)
J. Tournadre Improved level-3 product from dual frequency altimeter systems pdf (300 KB)


OST/ST Outreach products showcase pdf (420 KB)
P.T. Strub Outreach at CIOSS – The Cooperative Institute for Oceanographic Satellite Studies pdf (2.1 MB)

Consistency in Jason and Topex/Poseidon performance

S. Philipps et al. Ssalto CalVal Consistency Assesment between Jason-1 and Topex pdf (4.2 MB)


E. Cosme et al. Some recent advances in ocean data assimilation with the SEEK filter pdf (1.43 MB)
C. Desportes et al. The wet tropospheric correction for altimetry in coastal and inland water regions pdf (1 MB)
Per Knudsen et al. Optimal filtering of mean dynamic topography models obtained using GRACE geoid models pdf (266 KB)
Per Knudsen The GOCINA Mean Dynamic Topography Models and Impact on Ocean Circulation Modelling pdf (3.4 MB)
C. Maes and D. Behringer The contribution of the salinity field in sea level variability of the equatorial Pacific Ocean: an overview of results pdf (302 KB)
F. Marin et al. Temporal and spatial variability of the Tropical Instability Waves: an interbasin comparison from satellite altimeter and SST data pdf (1.75 MB)
T. Penduff et al. Hybridizing satellite products and reanalyzed atmospheric fields for the forcing of long-term ocean/sea-ice DRAKKAR simulations pdf (1.6 MB)
R. Ponte et al. Spatial mapping of time-variable errors in Jason-1 and TOPEX/POSEIDON surface topography measurements pdf (0.9 MB)
M.-H. Radenac et al. MUSICAL (MUlti-Sensors Information: ocean Color and ALtimetry) pdf (1.1 MB)
I. Vigo et al. Understanding Mediterranean and Black Sea Level Variations, 1992-2004 pdf (216 KB)
M. WenzelL and J. Schroeter Global ocean heat content variations derived from satellite altimetry and hydrographic data pdf (1.1 MB)
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