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SWT 2002 (New Orleans, USA)

Here are some posters made for New Orleans Jason-1 Science Working Team 2002 meeting.

Engineering and IGDR/OSDR assessment

J. Dorandeu et al. Poseidon-1 and Poseidon-2 Noise analysis pdf (1.5 Mb)
J. Dorandeu et al. Jason-1 / Topex/Poseidon Cross-calibration page 1 (pdf, 1.05 Mb) page 2 (pdf, 660 Kb)
S. Nerem et al. A Continuous Record of Global Mean Sea Level Change from Topex/Poseidon and Jason pdf (550 Kb)
P. Thibaut et al. The Poseidon-2 Altimeter Onboard Jason-1 : Performance Summary pdf (420 Kb)
P. Thibaut et al. Comparison of the Poseidon-1 and Poseidon-2 Radar Altimeters pdf (817 Kb)
OZ. Zanifé et al. Preliminary comparison of the Topex and Poseidon-2 Radar Altimeters pdf (500 Kb)

In-situ calibration activities

P. Bonnefond et al. Absolute Calibration of Jason-1 and Topex/Poseidon Altimeters in Corsica pdf (2.55 Mb)
P. Bonnefond et al. Radar Altimeter Calibration using a GPS-buoy in Corsica pdf (2.3 Mb)
D. Cotton and P. Challenor Calibration and Validation of Jason wind wave data based on in situ data pdf (2.4 Mb)
J.M. Lefèvre and H. Le Berre Calibration and Validation of Jason Wind and Wave data pdf (616 Kb)
E. C. Pavlis et al. Recent Developments in the Calibration-Validation Site of Gavdos, Greece (JCET) pdf (736 Kb)
P. Pesec et al. Recent Developments in the Calibration-Validation Site of Gavdos, Greece (IWF) pdf (285 Kb)
C. Watson et al. In-Situ Calibration Activities in Bass Strait, Australia pdf (4.6 Mb)

Media terms validation, iono/tropo/SSB

S. Labroue and P. Gaspar Comparison of Non Parametric Estimates of the Topex-A, Topex-B and Jason-1 Sea State Bias pdf (1.1 Mb)
E. Obligis et al. JMR in-flight calibration pdf (1.2 Mb)
R. Scharroo et al A Hybrid Method of Direct Estimation Sea State Bias Models pdf (1.43 Mb)
V. Zlotnicki Jason Microwave Radiometer Assessment against DMSP-SSM/I and TRMM-TMI pdf (376 Kb)

Precise Orbit Determination and Geoid

P. Bonnefond et al. Validation Activities for Jason-1 and Topex/Poseidon Precise Orbits pdf (2 Mb)
K. R. Choi et al. Jason-1 orbit improvement by combining GPS with SLR/Doris pdf (3 Mb)
E. Doornbos and R. Scharroo Precise Orbit Determination using SLR and Doris data for Jason-1 and Envisat pdf (3.1 Mb)
J. C. Ries et al. Jason-1 Precision Orbit Determination: Status and Assessment pdf (300 Kb)
P. Willis et al. Doris/Jason clock behavior assessment in the South Atlantic Anomaly region pdf (130 Kb)
N. P. Zelensky et al. Evaluation of Geosat Follow-On Precise Orbit Ephemeris pdf (400 Kb)
N. P. Zelensky et al. Jason-1 Precise Orbit Determination (POD) with SLR and Doris Tracking pdf (150 Kb)

Tides and high-frequency aliases

D. Burrage et al. Geostrophic Currents in the Western Coral Sea from Topex and Jason altimetry pdf (1.25 Mb)

Scientific results

S. Gille Upper Ocean Velocity Distriubtions: Comparing Topex with Jason and Interpreting Alitmetry with Winds pdf (1.4 Mb)
E. Hackert et al. Multivariate Assimilation of Sea Level, Sea Surface Temperature, and Currents for the Tropical Pacific pdf (1.7 Mb)
R. Kumar et al. EM Bias estimates based on Topex, Buoy and WAM data pdf (6.5 Mb)
T. Lee et al. Interannual Variation of Mixed-layer Heat Balance pdf (1.35 Mb)
S. Nerem et al. An Investigation of Recent Observed Changes in the Earth's Oblateness pdf (653 Kb)
D. Stammer and C. Wunsch Temporal changes of eddy transports in the ocean pdf (1.55 Mb)
W. White and J. Annis Coupling of Extratropical Mesoscale Eddies in the Ocean to Westerly Winds in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer pdf (8.14 Mb)

Outreach and databases

G. Lagerloef et al. OSCAR (Ocean Surface Current Analysis - Real time) A Processing System and Web-Server using Jason IGDR Data to Provide Timely Surface Velocity Fields in the Tropical Pacific pdf (186 Kb)
A. Richardson et al. Oceanography in the Formal and Informal Classroom pdf (1.47 Mb)
M. Srinivasan et al. The Satellite Altimetry Yellow Pages; A Guide for Users pdf (771 Kb)
R. Sullivant Telling the Science Story on the Web: Spotlight on Ocean Topography pdf (641 Kb)
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