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SWT 2003 (Arles, France)


Here are the presentations shown during Topex/Poseidon -- Jason-1 Science Working Team 2003 meeting plenary sessions.

 Plenary session

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Jason2/OSTM project overview


Here are some posters made for Topex/Poseidon -- Jason-1 Science Working Team 2003 meeting.

Engineering assessment

P. Thibaut et al. New Retracking Algorithm Using a Second Order Waveforms Model pdf (910 kb)
OZ. Zanifé et al. Comparison of the Ku-band Range Noise Level and the Relative Sea State Bias of the Jason-1, Topex and Poseidon-1 Radar Altimeters pdf (2 Mb)

In-situ calibration

P. Bonnefond et al. Absolute Calibration of Jason-1 and Topex/Poseidon Altimeters in Corsica pdf (7.3 Mb)
L. Fenoglio-Marc Cross-calibration of satellite altimetry missions using tide gauge data pdf (3.4 Mb)
B. Haines et al. Cross-calibration of satellite altimetry missions using tide gauge data pdf (6.2 Mb)
G. Jan et al. Absolute & in-situ Calibration of Altimeter sea surface height bias using non dedicated Calval sites pdf (710 kb)
E. Pavlis et al. First results from the Gavdos Calval site pdf (1.1 Mb)
C. Watson et al. In-Situ Calibration in Bass Strait, Australia pdf (1.3 Mb)

Media terms validation

E.J. Guirey et al. The dependence of altimeter sea-state bias coefficient on the shape of the wave spectrum pdf (492 kb)
S. Labroue et al. Fitting Jason-1 sea state bias pdf (950 kb)
E. Obligis et al. Assessment of the JMR brightness temperatures and products pdf (1.1 Mb)
D. Vandemark et al. Evaluating the sea state bias using wave model data pdf (1.4 Mb)
K. Warnick et al. Properties of Residual EM Bias Error pdf (510 Mb)
K. Warnick et al. Incidence Angle Dependence of EM Bias pdf (610 Mb)
V. Zlotnicki and S. Desai JMR monitored against SSM/I, TMI, TMR, and ECMWF pdf (1.3 Mb)

Precise orbit determination and geoid

P. Bonnefond et al. Validation activities for Jason-1 and Topex/Poseidon precise orbits pdf (6.5 Mb)
B. Haines et al. Precise Orbit Determination for Jason-1: GPS and the 1-cm Solution pdf (3.7 Mb)
G. Kruizinga et al. Overview of the GRACE Science Data Products jpg (500 kb)
F. Lemoine et al. An Evaluation of Recent Gravity Models wrt. Altimeter Satellite missions pdf (500 kb)
S. Luthcke et al. Achieving and Validating the 1-centimeter Orbit: Jason-1 Precision Orbit Determination Using GPS, SLR, Doris and Altimeter data pdf (560 kb)
Y. Yoon et al. The Effects of Carrier Phase Ambiguity Resolution on Jason-1 pdf (2.1 Mb)
N. Zelensky et al. Jason-1 precision orbit determination (POD) evaluation and orbit comparison Precise orbit determination and geoid pdf (375 kb)

Tides and high-frequency aliases

J. Cherniawsky et al. Wind-forced transport anomalies in Bering Strait calculated from Topex/Poseidon altimetry data png (2.5 Mb)

Geophysical product validation

J. Dorandeu et al. Global Statistical Quality Assessment of Jason-1 data Jason-1 / Topex/Poseidon Cross-Calibration part a (pdf, 270 kb), part b (310 kb)
C. Gommenginger et al. Measuring ocean wave period with nadir altimeters pdf (3.9 Mb)
R. Leben and B. Powell Accuracy assessment of Jason and Topex/Poseidon along-track sea surface slope pdf (910 kb)
G. Quartly Topex and Jason: a second take on rain-flagging pdf (2.2 Mb)
P. Queffeulou Validation of Jason-1 wind and wave measurements pdf (330 kb)
R. Scharroo and J. Lillibridge Cross-calibration and Long-term Monitoring of the Microwave Radiometers of ERS, Topex, GFO, Jason and Envisat pdf (5.9 Mb)

Multi-satellite applications

B. Beckley et al. High Resolution SSH Anomaly Fields from Multiple Mission Altimeter Observations pdf (1.1 Mb)
J. Law and G. Mitchum Deep ocean effects on outer continental shelf flow: a descriptive study in the loop current, Florida current and gulf stream systems pdf (330 kb)

New altimeter technologies

O. Germain et al. The Eddy Experiment: Sea-Surface Altimetry with GPS Reflections from low altitude aircraft pdf (1.9 Mb)

Scientific results

O. Andersen et al. Altimetric Mean Sea Surfaces - and inter-annual ocean variability pdf (2.4 Mb)
P. Cipollini and P. Challenor Tracking and forecasting single planetary waves in altimetric datasets pdf (5.2 Mb)
S. Elipot and S. Gille Comparing drifter and altimeter-derived velocities in the Southern Ocean pdf (1.9 Mb)
I. Fukumori et al. A basin-wide oscillation of the Mediterranean sea pdf (1.7 Mb)
R. Glazman Do we really observe internal gravity waves and tides in altimeter data? pdf (320 kb)
L. Gourdeau et al. Estimating mean dynamic topography in the tropical Pacific ocean from altimetry and gravity satellites pdf (136 kb)
R. Gross et al. Testing ocean models with earth rotation measurements pdf (330 kb)
S. Guinehut et al. Comparing and combining Argo data with altimeter data pdf (2.5 Mb)
C. Holland and G. Mitchum Interannual heat content variability and lagrangian pathways in the Tropical Pacific pdf (4.4 Mb)
S. Imawaki et al. Surface circulation of the North Pacific derived from combining altimeter and drifter data pdf (7.2 Mb)
N. Kjaer et al. Comparing Topex/Poseidon Altimetry with Tide Gauge Data to Study European Inter-Annual Sea Level Variability jpg (1.1 Mb)
P. Knudsen et al. Review of T/P derived scientific results at KMS in Denmark over the last 4 years part a (pdf, 2.6 Mb), part b (pdf, 280 kb)
G.  Lagerloef et al. Oceanic and Atmospheric Evidence for abrupt North Pacific Oceanographic Changes After 1998 pdf (1.5 Mb)
T. Lee et al. Tropical-subtropical exchange: contrasting mean and variability pdf (280 kb)
C. Maes How well do models with Topex/Poseidon assimilation simulate the salinity variability in the equatorial pacific? pdf (155 kb)
L. Miller and B. Douglas Mass and volume contributions to 20th Century global sea level rise pdf (3.7 Mb)
R. Nerem A Continuous Record of Long-Term Sea Level Change from Topex/Poseidon and Jason pdf (2.9 Mb)
J. O'Brien et al. A new mapping method for propagating data pdf (815 kb)
B. Powell et al. Secular Trend in Global EKE using Accurately Resolved Mesoscale Currents from Satellite Altimetry pdf (4.7 Mb)
B. Qiu and S. Chen Seasonal Modulations in the Eddy Field of the South Pacific Ocean pdf (2.55 Mb)
G. Quartly et al. Retro-fiction - a reappraisal of the fate of the east Madagascar current pdf (4.7 Mb)
E. Schrama Combination of Topex, Jason and tide gauge data to reconstruct long periodic changes pdf (3.7 Mb)
J. Staneva et al. Global Sea Level in the last Decade pdf (1.8 Mb)
J. Sudre and R. Morrow Influence of the high-frequency MOG2D corrections on the surface velocity field pdf (127 kb)
R. Tokmakian Evaluation using Altimetry of an Model forced with Scatterometer Winds pdf (11.7 Mb)
L. Vest et al. Synthetic mean dynamic topography models in the north Atlantic pdf (3.6 Mb)
J. Willis et al. Interannual variability in global, upper-ocean heat content, temperature and thermosteric sea-level rise pdf (2.7 Mb)

Near-real time applications

M. Benkiran et al. Combined assimilation of real-time altimeter and in situ data in the Mercator system pdf (1.5 Mb)
C. Birkett et al. Near-real time monitoring of global lakes and reservoirs pdf (455 kb)
F. Bonjean et al. Ocean Surface Current Analyses Real-time (OSCAR): processing system and applications pdf (1.7 Mb)
D. Cotton et al. Experience of Applications of Near Real Time Jason wave and wind data pdf (11.7 Mb) or jpg (2.7 Mb)
G. Dibarboure et al. Ssalto/Duacs: Operational high precision quartet in 2004 pdf (573 kb)
T. Kuragano et al. Real-time data assimilation with Jason-1 data in JMA pdf (630 kb)
D. Matthews et al. Near Real time Surface Current Mapping off California with Radiometry and Altimetry pdf (7.2 Mb)
V. Toumazou et al. The Mercator Ocean real-time service for ocean monitoring and forecasting pdf (610 kb)

Outreach and databases

F. Blanc et al. Lively data pdf (3.6 Mb)
F. Bouillé-Chada et al. Altimetry data: select your choice! pdf (590 kb)
V. Byfield et al. Oceans for Schools web magazine Outreach and databases pdf (3.8 Mb)
V. Byfield et al. Teaching satellite Oceanography with Bilko Software pdf (7 Mb)
M. Naeije et al. RADS: steppingstone to an International Altimeter Service pdf (6.6 Mb)
A. Richardson et al. Discovering the Oceans Book Cover and Become a Junior Oceaonographer Website pdf (1.1 Mb)
V. Rosmorduc et al. Aviso website: what's in it for you? pdf (4 Mb)
M. Srinivasan et al. Engaging Scientists in Outreach pdf (590 kb)
M. Srinivasan et al. The satellite altimetry yellow pages: an update pdf (680 kb)
R. Stewart The Jason educational program pdf (17.5 Mb)
T. Strub et al. The SMILE high school program at Oregon state university - developing teaching modules based on oceanography and satellite remote sensing pdf (333 kb)
R. Sullivant and A. Buis Telling the Ocean Science Story on the Web pdf (1.5 Mb)
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