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OSTST 2010 Presentations

See here the Programme updates/changes

Monday 18 October 2010

 Program status

  • NASA Programme PDF  
  • CNES Programme PDF
  • EUMETSAT Programme PDF
  • NOAA Programme PDF
  • ESA Programme PDF

Jason1/2 project status

Local calibration/validation: focusing on bias

Instrument processing I: re-tracking,radiometer retrieval, SSB,…

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Geoid and mean sea surface products & impact on altimetry SLA analyses

Near real-time product validation and application

Precision orbit determination

Instrument processing II: re-tracking, radiometer retrieval, SSB, …

Global & basin-scale science results and requirements

School presentations on altimetry applications

Global calibration/validation: focusing on corrections quality assessment and error budget assessment 

Outreach, education, and altimetric data products and services

Tides, internal tides, and high-frequency splinter

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Future altimetry missions & orbit choices

Recent altimetric science results

 60-day variations in J1 & J2

Summary and recommendation

Discussion on overall system drift requirement/goals & biases

Splinter meeting summaries & recommendations

J1 & J2 GDR discussion & recommendations

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