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OSTST 2010 meeting posters

Here are some posters made for the Ocean Surface Topography Science Team 2010 meeting.

Local Cal/Val

J. Bouffard et al.Mesoscale characterization using altimetry and glider: methodology and error budget assessment pdf (1.5 MB)
 M. Cancet et al. Use of the Corsica site to compute altimeter biases for jason-2, Jason-1 and Envisat: Absolute and regional CalVal methodspdf (602 KB)
J. Chimot et al. Use Of The Corsica Site To Compute Altimeter Biases For The Missions Envisat, Jason-1 And Jason-2/OSTM And Sensitivity Studiespdf (560 KB)
L. Testut et al.Precision and accuracy of GPS Buoys: an inter-comparison experiment

(1.8 MB)

C. Watson et al.In-situ calibration: the potential benefits of single-pass, multi-site, data collectionpdf (3.1 MB)

Instrument Processing 1: sea state bias & retracking

L.Amarouche et al.

Sentinel-3 surface topography mission System Performance Simulator and Ground Prototype Processor and Topography Expertise

pdf (680 KB)
P. Dubois et al.Sea Surface State modelling for sea state bias evolution up to Ka-Bandpdf (1.3 MB)
H. FengSpline-based nonparametric estimation for the altimeter sea state bias correctionpdf (1.2 MB)
C. Gommenginger et al.SAMOSA: improved spatial resolution and range retrieval accuracy with SAR altimeters over the ocean and the coastal zone: a numerical studypdf (1.5 MB)
F. Mercier et al.Icebergs detection in Jason-2 waveformspdf (6 MB)
 F. Niño et al. Radar altimetry waveform inversion : topography and water bodiespdf (1.3 MB)
G. Quartly  et al.The height of accuracy: recovering height information from before the leading edgepdf (11.5 MB)
P. Thibaut et al.Waveform retracking test benchpdf (740 KB)

Geoid & Mean Sea Surface Products

 et al. pdf (1 MB)

Near-realtime product validation & applications

C. Birkett et al.Near-real time monitoring of global lakes and reservoirspdf (2.15 MB)
J. Branckart et al.Advanced parameterizations of observation and forecast error statistics for the assimilation of satellite altimetrypdf (1.1 MB)
Y. Chao et al.Real-time modeling, data assimilation and forecasting off the California coastpdf (1.4 MB)
 G. Dibarboure et al.Do all altimeters contribute equally to Duacs/Aviso maps ? pdf (1 MB)
K. Dohan et al.Assesment of real time products in Oscar surface currentspdf (5.46 MB)
JM. Lefevre et al.Assesment of an operational wave prediction system in extreme conditionspdf (500 KB)
R. Leben et al.Near Real-time global Jason-1 and OSTM sea surface height anomaly maps hosted by a web map servicepdf (1.2 MB)
Y. Quilfen Altimeter microwave surface observations in extreme eventspdf (3.5 MB)
W.H.F. Smith et al.Radar altimetry over the Gulf of Mexico oil spillpdf (3.2 MB)
T. SongThe 2010 Chile tsunami observed from altimeterspdf (170 KB)

Precise Orbit Determination

 P. Callahan et al.Hurricane Studies with Altimeter Datapdf (1.2 MB)
 L. Carrère et al. Results of the study on future altimeter mission orbit determination - application to Jason-CSpdf (590 KB)
F. Mercier et al.Jason2 GPS processing studies pdf (213 KB)
P. Exertier et al.Performances of the time transfer by laser link experiment on board Jason-2pdf (3.4 MB)
S. Houry et al.Near-real-time Doris-based ground orbitspdf (3.4 MB)
E.C. Pavlis et al.ITRF2008: ILRS Support for Optima SLR PODpdf (2 MB)
S. Philipps et al.Orbit quality assessment through the SSH calculationpdf (1.9 MB)
N. Zelensky et al.Precise orbit determination for Geosat and Geosat Follow-Onpdf (3.7 MB)

Instrument Processing 2

J. Fernandes et al.Inter-comparison between existing wet tropospheric corrections for coastal altimetry pdf (1 MB)
 H. Lee et al. Validation of Jason-2 altimeter data by waveform retracking over coastal oceanpdf (1.3 MB)

Global & Basin-scale Science results

K. Kelly et al.What causes anomalies in subtropical mode water volume?pdf (1.6 MB)
B. Leben et al.Evaluating methods for calculating a seasonal sea surface height climatologypdf (1.6 MB)
J. Lillibridge et al.The impact of ECMWF model evolutions on geophysical corrections for altimetrypdf (8.2 MB)
R. Tailleux et al.On the dispersion relation of westward propagating signals in the oceanspdf (310 KB)
R. Tailleux et al.Mechanisms of surface intensification of westward propagating signals by a mean flowpdf (270 KB)

Global CalVal

G. Valladeau et al

Jason-1 data quality assessment and cross-calibration with Jason-2 and Topex/Poseidon

pdf (1.2 MB)

Outreach, Education & Altimetric Data Services

P. Callahan  et al.Web-based Altimeter Service and Toolspdf (1.5 MB)
G. Dibarboure  et al.SSALTO/DUACS: moving forward with near real timepdf (1 MB)
Y. Faugere et al.The SLOOP project: preparing the next generation of altimetry products for open oceanpdf (740 KB)
J. Hausman  et al.New and upcoming tools and products from PO.DAACpdf (21 MB)
F. Mertz  et al.Enhancement of historical and operational ERS data for oceanographic applicationspdf (960 KB)
R. Morrow et al.CTOH altimeter data service for coastal, hydrology and cryosphere applicationspdf (1.5 MB)
I. Pujol et al.17 years of altimeter data record for climate and ocean studiespdf (850 KB)
V. Rosmorduc et al.Basic Radar Altimetry Toolbox: tools to teach altimetrypdf (770 KB)
V. Rosmorduc et al.Aviso products & services: what’s new?pdf (620 KB)
R. Scharroo et al.RADS 4: a new interface to precise and fast-delivery altimeter data from Geosat to Cryosatpdf (3.35 MB)
Y. Zhang et al.NOAA archive services for Jason-2/OSTMpdf (3 MB)

Tides, internal tides & high frequency processes

W. Bosch  et al.EOT10A - a new result of empirical ocean tide modellingpdf (1.6 MB)
L. Carrère et al. Post-EPS altimeter mission orbit determination and tide aliasingpdf (560 KB)
L. Carrère et al. Improving the Dynamic Atmospheric Correction for altimetry - impact of 3-hours meteorological fieldspdf (524 KB)
Y. Cheng et al.Improvement of global ocean tide models in shallow water regionspdf (2.9 MB)
M. Lux et al.COMAPI: a new global low frequency dynamical atmospheric correctionpdf (380 MB)
E. Zaron et al.The partitioning of coherent and incoherent tidal variance near the Hawaiian Ridgepdf (360 MB)

Global and Regional Mean Sea Level studies

B. Beckley et al. Assessment of current global and regional mean sea level estimates based on ITRF2008pdf (10 MB)
C. Domingues et al. Geographical patterns of thermosteric sea level observations and CMIP3 climate model simulationspdf (4.6 MB)
C. Hughes et al. Colour of the sea level spectrum: when are observed trends statistically significant?pdf (4.6 MB)
B. Meyssignac et al.Interannual sea level reconstruction over 1972-2008 in the Gulf of Mexico derived from altimetry and tide-gauge recordspdf (445 KB)
R.M. Ponte et al.Effects of self-attraction and loading on sea level at monthly anf longer time scalespdf (1.67 MB)

Ocean general circulation

P. De Mey et al.Testing the performance of observational systems with ensemble methodspdf (1.5 MB)
D. Garcia-Garcia et al.Mediterranean water mass fluxes through the Gibraltar and Sicily Straitspdf (380 KB)
K. Ichikawa et al. Sea surface height measurements in the Tsushima straitpdf (2.85 MB)
N. Maximenko et al.Atmospheric signatures of oceanic striationspdf (3.5 MB)

Coastal Processes

F. Léger et al.Variability of coastal circulation north of New Guinea using along track altimetry pdf (278 KB)
F. Mercier et al. The PISTACH project for coastal and hydrology altimetry: 2010 project status and activitiespdf (2.8 MB)
L. Roblou et al.Characterizing the coastal circulation in the NW Mediterranean sea using dedicated high resolution coastal altimetrypdf (6.8 MB)

Hydrology Processes

 M. Durand et al. Assessing and Retiring Risk in SWOT discharge Products: Two methods for characterizing river depthpdf (2.4 MB)

Past & Future Missions

G. Dibarboure et al.Future altimeter constellations: capabilities and advantagespdf (1.4 MB)
G. Dibarboure et al.Finding suitable orbit options for Jason-1’s extension of lifepdf (950 KB)
G. Dibarboure et al.Mean track versus gridded MSS: do we want a geodetic Jason-CS? pdf (1.25 MB)
C. Mavrocordatos et al.GMES Sentinel-3: a mission for operational oceanographypdf (277 KB)
A. Uematsu  et al.Future mission study to measure sea surface height and ocean currents in JAXApdf (810 KB)
N. Steunou et al.Altika, a new concept of altimeter for the Saral mission: description and pre-flight performances pdf (800 KB)
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