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Liens et références sur Swot

Articles in peer-reviewed journals & conferences

  • Ardhuin.F., F.Nougier, A.Bohe, B Molero P.Dubois et al.           Propagation and reflections of swells with 1 to 2 km wavelengths across the Indian and Pacific oceans: observations with SWOT LR data
  • Aublanc.J., D.Desroches, & al Illustration of KaRIn HR products over land ice
  • Ballarotta.M. et al.        Adding large swath altimetry to Level-4 multi-mission DUACS maps
  • Bignalet-Cazalet.F., H.Roinard, et al. Statistical and multi-mission performance assessment of SWOT's nadir altimeter
  • Bohe.A. et al. (B.Molero, Eva & Curtis, P.Dubois,)        Measuring Significant Wave Height fields in two dimensions at kilometric scales with SWOT
  • Bohe.A.,  B.Molero  P.Dubois, et al Spectral signature of ocean surface waves on SWOT estimated heights and NRCS 
  • Carrère.L, F.Lyard, R.Ray, N.Picot, S.Desai, et al.        Revisiting atmospheric corrections in altimetry and SWOT
  • Curtis  Overview of the SWOT/KaRIn spectral performance over ocean
  • Gerald Dibarboure, Briol.F., Chevrier.R., Delepoulle.A., Faugere.Y., Morrow.R., Picot.N., Prandi.P., Pujol.M-I., Raynal.M., Treboutte.A., Ubelmann.C.  (in prep. Ocean Science), Blending 2D topography images from SWOT into the altimeter constellation with the Level-3 multi-mission DUACS system
  • Dibarboure.G. et al. New and atypical phenomena captured by SWOT during its first months of operations Data-driven calibration of SWOT's systematic errors: first in-flight assessment
  • T. Farrar , Y. Faugère, G.Dibarboure(?), A.Delepoulle, LL.Fu  Observation of mini-tsunamis caused by icebergs: what do we learn from SWOT?
  • Foucher.E., F.Lyard, L.Fenoglio-Marc, N.Picot, et al. Regional atmospheric and tide corrections for SWOT: lessons learned from the Elbe estuary
  • Fu, L.‐L., Pavelsky, T., Cretaux, J.‐F., Morrow, R., Farrar, J. T., Vaze, P., et al. (2024). The Surface Water and Ocean Topography Mission: A breakthrough in radar remote sensing of the ocean and land surface water. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2023GL107652.
  • Konstantinos et al A first look at river discharge from SWOT satellite observations, submitted to GRL
  • Laloue.A., P.Schaeffer, D.Sandwell, O.Andersen, M-I.Pujol, G.Dibarboure, Y.Faugere           Merging recent Mean Sea Surface into a 2023 Hybrid model
  • Le Traon et al., or Benkiran et al.           Assimilating SWOT data in the Mercator framework
  • Lyard.F., L.Carrère, M-L.Dabat, M.Tchilibou, E.Fouche, et al.               The FES22 tidel model
  • Mazaleyrat E., N. Tran, H. Feng, D. Vandemark, G. Dibarboure, F. Bignalet-Cazalet, et al      SWOT nadir 1-day phase / sea-state parameters temporal correlation and SSB
  • Morrow.R., O.Vergara, G.Dibarboure, Y.Faugere          SWOT observations of regionally-varying ocean wavenumber spectra
  • Nencioli.F., M.Raynal, A.Bohe, et al. (at least 1 JPL coauthor)               Using nadir altimeters to evaluate the spectral error budget of KaRIN products
  • Peral. E., D et al  (2024): KaRIn, the Ka-Band Radar Interferometer of the SWOT Mission: Design and In-Flight Performance. Submitted to Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
  • Raynal.M. , P.Prandi, F.Nencioli, G.Dibarboure, B.Stiles, C.Chen, E.Peral, et al.        Statistical and multi-mission performance assessment of SWOT's KaRIn interferometer
  • Stiles.B., M.Raynal, et al.           Retrieving surface wind data from SWOT
  • Tchilibou.M., E.Zaron, L.Carrère, B.Arbic, R.Ray, et al.              What can we learn from internal tides with the 1-day phase of SWOT?
  • Treboutte.A., G.Dibarboure, L.Gomez-Navarro, Y.Faugère, et al.        Noise-mitigation algorithms applied to SWOT's flight data: better 2D geostrophic velocities and vorticity with KaRIn data
  • Ubelmann.C, B.Flamant, G.Dibarboure, B.Raffier, E.Peral, N.Steunou, et al.               Evaluation of the data-driven calibration algorithms for the SWOT Mission 
  • Clément Ubelmann, Gérald Dibarboure , Benjamin Flamant , Antoine Delepoulle, Yannice Faugère, Pierre Prandi,  Maxime Vayre, Matthias Raynal , Frédéric Briol, Geoffroy Bracher and Emeline Cadier (in prep. Remote Sensing)
  • Vandemark.D., N.Tran, A.Bohe, P.Dubois, et al.           Sea-state bias for swath altimetry: theory and practice
  • Vergara.O. et al What can we learn of fast ocean variability for SWOT's 1-day orbit?
  • Vergara.O., R.Morrow, et al.     Small-scale ocean variability in the Southern Ocean from SWOT
  • Vergara.O., R.Morrow, I.Dadou et al.  Intra-seasonal variability of bathymetry-trapped coastal waves
  • Y. Yu, D.T. Sandwell, G. Dibarboure, C. Chen, and J. Wang, Accuracy and Resolution of SWOT Altimetry: Foundation Seamounts,  (in revision Earth and Space Science)
  • Zaron.E. et al.   Observations of Surface and Baroclinic Tides During the SWOT Cal/Val Orbit Phase

Documents et présentations

  • Lee-Lueng Fu, OSTST 2018, SWOT Status and Challenges
  • Lee-Lueng Fu, OSTST 2013,  SWOT mission design for advancing mesoscale oceanography
  • C. Ubelmann et al., OSTST 2013, New perspectives for future high-level Ocean Altimetry products
  • F. D'Ovidio et al., OSTST 2012, Guiding biochemical campaigns with high resolution altimetry: waiting for the SWOT mission pdf
  • E.C.Pavlis et al., OSTST 2012, Altimeter Calibration and Tectonics Inference Oceanographic Network (ACTION): From OSTM to SWOT, pdf
  • F. Nencioli et al., OSTST 2011, SeaGoLSWOT: an oceanographic campaign in support of the AirSWOT mission in the Northwestern Mediterranean, pdf
  • J.C Souyris, OSTST 2010, Upcoming altimeter measurements: explaining interferometric SAR, pdf
  • A. Mallet, OSTST 2010, KaRIn/SWOT performance analyse tool; application to near nadir swath extension, pdf

Galerie Multimedia

  • sur le sujet "Swot": Images et animations avec vues d'artiste du satellite, brochure de présentation...

White Papers

Vous trouverez ci-dessous des «White papers» (rédigés en anglais) préparés par les membres de la Science Definition Team SWOT.

  • Tides and the SWOT mission: Transition from Science Definition Team to Science Team, Brian K. Arbic et al., Jan. 2015 (pdf)
  • Coastal and Estuaries White Paper. Part 1 : Estuaries and nearshore processes Issues and SWOT contribution in the coastal zones and estuaries, B. Laignel et al., Mar. 2015 (pdf)
  • Coastal and Estuaries White Paper. Part 2 : Coastal seas and shelf processes, N. Ayoub et al., Mar. 2015 (pdf)
  • Mesoscale/sub-mesoscale dynamics in the upper ocean (pdf)

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