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OSTST 2009 meeting posters

Here are some posters made for the Ocean Surface Topography Science Team 2009 meeting.

General ocean surface topography science

F. Beron-Vera et al.Assessing the impact of high-resolution wide-swath altimetry on Lagrangian circulation determinationpdf (1MB)
W. Bosch et al.Absolute dynamic ocean topography profilespdf
(6.09 MB)
L. Carrere et al.Optimisation of Post-EPS altimeter mission orbitpdf
(3.6 MB)
L. Carrere et al.Performance estimation of recent tide models using altimetry and tide gauges measurementspdf
(246 KB)
T. Durland et al.Effect of meridional shear on equatorial waves - Revisitedpdf
(1.36 MB)
J. T. Farrar Barotropic Rossby waves seen radiating from tropical instability waves in the Pacific Oceanpdf
(1.3 MB)
Y. Faugère et al.The SLOOP project: preparing the next generation of altimetry products for open oceanpdf
(1.5 MB)
L. Gourdeau et al.Variability of the Solomon Sea circulation from altimetric sea level datapdf
(240.12 KB)
S. Häkkinen et al.Shifting pathways of meridional circulation: drifters, altimetry, modelspdf (1.8 MB)
J. HausmanNew products and services available from PO.DAACpdf (4.95 MB)
K. Kelly et al.The Gulf Stream: Conveyor or switch?pdf (1.83 MB)
A. Kock-Larrouy et al.Mesoscale eddies and their role in the formation and transformation of Indian Ocean mode waterspdf (2.5 MB)
S. Labroue et al.Estimation of roll Angle Error Over Land Surfaces for SWOT Mission pdf (1 MB)
R. Leben et al.Evaluation of multi-satellite mapping capabilities for mesoscale monitoringpdf
(4.3 MB)
E. Leuliette et al.Updating the sea level rise budget, and its use as a calibration toolpdf (747 KB)
N. Maximenko et al.Mesoscale activity in the subtropical North Pacific: striations versus eddiespdf (354 KB)
S. Melachroinos et al.Assessment of an "off-shore" high frequency kinematic GPS methodology on the ground tracks 104 and 028 of Jason-2 satellite in the Drake Passage (DP).pdf (2.2 MB)
O. Melnichenko et al.A search for propagating quasi-zonal jets (striations)pdf
(284 KB)
F. Mertz et al.SSALTO/DUACS: innovative method to reduce the orbit error simulatneously on several satellitespdf (3.25 MB)
L. Padman et al.Antarctic dynamic topography, tides and the inverse barometer for ice shelf mass balance studiespdf (1.75 MB)
T. Penduff et al.High resolution brings global DRAKKAR ocean simulations closer to AVISO at large time/space scales

(6 MB)

C. PerigaudENSO modulated by Lunar cycles

(8.17 MB)


R. Ponte et al.Sea level and bottom pressure changes around Antarctica, in relation to wind-driven meridional flowspdf
(510 KB)
I. Pujol et al.Three-satellite quality level restored in NRTpdf
(3.7 MB)
B. Qiu et al.Interannual Variability of the North Pacific Subtropical Countercurrent and its Eddy Fieldpdf
(1.2 MB)
P. QueffeulouAltimeter Wave Height Measurements - Validation of Long Time Seriespdf
(258 KB)
O. Robinson et al.Evaluating a real-time satellite-derived surface current product in the Intra-Americas Seapdf
(1.1 MB)
S. Springer et al.PDO-Related variability in the Northeast Pacific in altimeter-Derived Velocity Fielspdf
(3.59 MB)
L. Thompson et al.Estimates of the Upper Ocean heat budget in the North Atlantic in three modelspdf
(1.5 MB)
S. Vinogradov et al.Annual cycle in coastal sea level from tide gauges and altimetrypdf
(464 KB)
E. Zaron et al.Seasonal variability of the internal tide in the South China Seapdf
(1.8 MB)

Sea level error budgets: current status and future improvements

R. Mamedov et al.Recent developments in Cal/Val activities supporting satellite altimetry in the Caspian Seapdf
(388 KB)

Global and in-situ calibration and validation

M. Ablain et al.Global Statistical Jason-2 assessment and cross-calibration with Jason-1 SLA Performances and Consistencypdf (2.15 MB)
M. Ablain et al.Quality assessment of in-situ and altimeter measurements through SSH comparisonpdf (270 KB)
B. Beckley et al.Assessment of Jason-1 and OSTM Global Verification Phase Sea Surface Height Collinear Residualspdf (11.7 MB)
P.Bonnefond et al.Absolute calibration of Topex/Poseidon, Jason-1 and Jason-2 altimeters in Corsicapdf (2 MB)
W. Bosch et al.Geographically correlated errors from multi-mission crossover analysispdf
(1.4 MB)
L. Commien et al.Ssalto CalVal performance assessment Jason-1 GDR "C"/GDR "B"pdf
(260 KB)
Y. Faugère et al.Envisat/Jason-1 cross calibrationpdf (1.5 MB)
S. Labroue et al.Calval analysis of latest release of TOPEX retracked datapdf
(6.9 MB)
S.P. Mertikas et al.Recent results for the estimation of the Altimeter Bias for the Jason satellites using Gavdos pdf
(7.1 MB)
G. Mitchum et al.Tide gauge estimates of altimeter stability: Improved methods and updated resultspdf
(260 KB)
R. Morrow et al.Regional calval and altimetry activities at the CTOHpdf (600 KB)
A. Ollivier et al.Jason-1 / Jason-2 / Envisat cross-calibrationpdf (2.3 MB)
E.C.Pavlis et al.OSTM/Jason-2 Cal/Val results from the Eastern Mediterranean altimeter calibration network - eMACnetpdf
(4.6 MB)
S. Philipps et al.Global Statistical Jason-2 Assessment and Cross-calibration with Jason-1: Parameter Analysispdf
(1.7 MB)

Precision orbit determination and geoid

F. Lemoine et al.Calibration and validation of the precise orbits for the OSTM - Extending the TOPEX, Jason-1 and Jason-2 Climate Data Record for MSL Studiespdf (912.28 KB)
Fl. Mercier et al.Jason 2 GPS antenna phase correction mapspdf (495 KB)
A. Ollivier et al.Assessment of Jason-2 orbit quality using ssh cross-calibration with Jason-1 and Envisatpdf (2.5 MB)
E.C.Pavlis et al.SLRF2008: The ILRS reference frame for SLR POD contributed to ITRF2008pdf (2 MB)

Instrument processing

F. Boy et al.Scalable processor for altimetry (SPA): New CNES processing center for altimetry missions  pdf (5.5 MB)
G. QuartlyWhat's the Point of Mispointing?pdf
(435 KB)

Near real-time products validation and application

S.D. DesaiAn introduction to the GPS-OGDR-SSH product for OSTM/Jason-2pdf (1.2 MB)
J.M. Lefèvre et al.Improving operational wave modeling from altimetry <link fileadmin documents ostst poster download>pdf
(220 KB)
L. Stathoplos et al.Noaa's Jason-2/OSTM productspdf
(180 KB)

Coastal and inland altimetry

N. Barry et al.Time water levels on rivers and lakes using Jason-2 altimetry datapdf (1.2 MB)
J.J. Martinez-Benjamin et al.Operational monitoring Sea level by CGPS in the Barcelona and l'Estartit harbours pdf (330 KB)
C. Birkett et al.Performance of the Jason-2/OSTM instrument over inland waterspdf
(3.9 MB)
W. Emery et al.Improved Altimetric retrievals in the Coastal Zonepdf (1.6 MB)
H. Feng et al.Exploiting ocean altimeter data in the Gulf of Maine and Middle Atlantic Bight regionpdf
(907 KB)
J. Fernandes et al.GNSS-Derived path delay: a method to obtain the wet tropospheric correction for coastal altimetry.pdf
(1.2 MB)
A.L. Kurapov et al.Assimilation of alongtrack SSH altimetry in a coastal ocean circulation model off Oregon pdf
(328.55 KB)
H. Lee et al.Assessment of retracked Jason-2 measurements over Louisiana wetlandpdf
(5.6 MB)
F. Mercier et al.The PISTACH project for coastal altimetry; status, products and early resultspdf (2.1 MB)
A.C. Peter et al.Thermal impact of the coastal waves in the coastal African upwelling areaspdf
(2 MB)
L. Roblou et al.Contribution of improved altimetry to a study of coastal ocean dynamics in the Nw Mediterranean sea (Marina project)pdf (1 MB)
S. Ruiz et al.Vertical motion in the upper ocean from glider and altimetry datapdf
(249.18 KB)
F. Seyler et al.Cross-comparison of Jason2 data with Envisat RA2 and ICESAT data over Amazon basinpdf
(1.1 MB)
Y.T. Song et al.Strait And Inter-Ocean Transport Estimation Using Altimetry SSH And Gravimetry OBP

(330 KB)

J. Zavala-Garay et al.Development of an operational analysis/forecast system for the Mid Atlantic Bight

(184 KB)


M. Naeije et al.GEO2TECDI - Geod. EO Techn. for Thailand: Environm. Change Detection and Investigationpdf (3.3 MB)
F. d'Ovidio et al.Submesoscale fronts and filaments calculated from Lyapunov exponentspdf (1.8 MB)
A. RichardsonVoyage on the high seas: using a Nasa board game to reinforce ocean literacy principlespdf
(1.8 MB)
V. RosmorducAviso: altimetry products at your servicepdf
(1.5 MB)
V. RosmorducMean Sea Level on Aviso webpdf
(1.4 MB)
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